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The European freight exchange
two exchanges:

1. Freight & Vehicle exchange
Freight exchange More.. 

CargoNet search for freight forwarders and carriers by countries of interests.

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Haulier - Trucks Services are designed for carriers, truckers & freight forwarders from Europe, and close or related countries ... that are looking for loads or backloads for their trucks in order to minimize transport costs. It also enables to find partial loads, and to offer full or part load to someone else if you are in no condition to cover it.
Freight forwarder - Freight
CargoNet services can be used for Freight forwarders and Hauliers witch would like to have an overview for all available informations: loads & trucks, freight forwarders & carriers by countries of interets.
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2. Vehicle Exchange
Vehicle exchange  More..

TransNet search for carriers by countries of interests or offer loads to transport.

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Freight forwarder - Truck
TransNet Vehicle exchange is designed for freight forwarders and shippers, producers witch are managing with cargoes and do not need loads for their own trucks. TransNet exchange provides possibility to advertise cargoes and to search for empty trucks.

Freight forwarder - Cargo
Freight forwarders and Hauliers are using TransNet services, when they are looking for available trucks and can subscribe to Truck offers by e-mail.
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